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Shake it Off

Short Story

A phone alert announces the end of the world. What will he do with has last seven minutes?

Short Stories

Recently Published


He survived the apocalypse, tracked down his best friend across thousands of miles, and then what?  

The Stroller

An empty stroller on a street corner on a sweltering hot day upends a routine walk home from work.

Meine Liebe

When it’s time to say goodbye, Mary returns to where she and her husband first met, memories in tow.

Brutus Weaver

Down on his luck, exiled from his home, and looking for work; a detective series of short stories set in a fantasy world. 

Recent favorites

What I’ve Been Reading

The Will of the Many

An Ancient Roman inspired fantasy world where everyone is expected to cede their will, literally. 

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

Close friends work together in the world of video game design, through its ups and downs.

Silver Nitrate

A curse haunting a long lost film leads Montserrat on a long and winding journey. 


A scuba diver is swallowed by a sixty-ton whale and has an hour to escape. Like The Martina, but in a whale. 

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