by chatfielda | Inbound Marketing
For the last half decade, you couldn’t login to Facebook or Twitter without stumbling upon posts that attempted to blatantly manipulate you into clicking. An entire industry sprang out of the mindless hours people spend clicking into and out of articles they find in...
by chatfielda | Inbound Marketing
Content is one of the great equalizers of the digital age. Every mom and pop company with an Internet connection can build a platform and become an authority that competes with even the largest and best established brands in the marketplace. But there are some...
by chatfielda | Inbound Marketing
Through careful development and smart distribution, even the smallest companies can make a big splash in a saturated market with content. But the lower bar to entry doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easier. Quite the opposite in fact. That very saturation makes it...
by chatfielda | Inbound Marketing
Split testing is a must. But whether it’s the amount of time available or impatience from stakeholders or clients, it often doesn’t go nearly as far as you’d like. Most of the split testing I see is for one of two elements: Email and landing page headlines or 2. Call...
by chatfielda | Inbound Marketing
Content marketing works – study after study has shown that properly targeted, well written, evenly distributed content works extremely well to generate and nurture leads. The leads are higher quality. The content generates trust. It’s all kinds of awesome. But...